The life of Holy Rosary Parish is centered in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the Mass. However, it does not stop there. It overflows in so many different aspects of our parish's life. In the various photo albums in this section we hope to highlight some of the activities that make Holy Rosary Parish the great parish that it is. Click on the various titles to be a part of the activities and please come back often to see what is going on in our parish and to share in the activities and people that make us who we are...HOLY ROSARY PARISH!
Jose Morgan -- Deacon candidate!!!
The Hispanic Community's Tamales -- the best north of the border!!!
See how much work is going into getting the school ready for its opening on Aug. 20th!!!
Check out the Life Teen Kick-off Celebration!!!
Be a part of the excitement of the first day of the new school year!!! Click here!!!
Be a part of the first Student Body Mass at Holy Rosary School!!!
Getting to know you...the 1st School-Family Picnic!!!
Life Teen's Mass on the Grass!!!
Great Fridge Art from Holy Rosary School's 2nd Graders!!!
The Dominican Novices receive the Habit of the Dominican Order!!!
Harvest Faire 2001 -- Community is the Cornerstone!!!
The annual St. Francis Blessing of Pets!!!
The National Pledge of Allegiance!!!
Life Teen's great Garage sale!!!
The Life Teen Mass at Saint Timothy's in Mesa, AZ!!!
Sister Suleyka's Special Day!!!
The Halloween 2001 Party at Holy Rosary!!!
The Annual Ladies Night Dinner -- in honor of Liz Clarke!!!
Las Mananitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe!!!
The Feast Day Mass for the Virgen de Guadalupe!!!
The Knights of Columbus support Dominican Student!!!
The Life Teen Christmas Dinner!!!
The Life Teen Day with Santa!!!
The Santo Nino de Cebu Fiesta!!!
Our Knights of Columbus honor Antioch's finest police & fire fighters!!!